Hats and the Death of the Gentlemen

Who am I that He is mindful of me?

Hats and the Death of the Gentlemen

October 11, 2021 Uncategorized 0

I am not sure when it happened, nor exactly how it happened, but I see the results everywhere and it is true.  The gentlemen are all dead.   It used to be in this country that a gentlemen would remove his hat in Church, inside of a private residence and by all means in the presence of a lady.   However, today I find this no longer to be the case.  No longer is the modern man subjected to this “old” rule of days gone by, in fact modern man does not even acknowledge this was ever the case and may in fact be unawares.

That is a sad fact, we as men used to pride ourselves on being gentlemen.  Why is it that we no longer wish to stand out as gentlemen?  Do we not care to dare to be different, to stand out as a man with a sense of decorum and manners?  Are we so far gone as men that this is no longer an ideal to strive for, to be seen as a gentleman among our peers?

I wonder what would happen if we as men started removing our hats when we entered a Church, or when we entered someone’s home.  I wonder how the ladies in our lives would react if we removed our hat when she walked into a room, what if all the men did that?  I wonder how it would change us as men, how would we be perceived if suddenly we cared more of what the ladies in our lives thought then what we thought of ourselves, especially in social situations.

The Gentlemen is dead that is for sure and I wonder did you remove your hat while reading this?


Phillip Allen